

“Earlier Outbreaks of Iconoclasm”, a 2 CD set on Emanem, has just been released. (Click here for the back story.) A limited number of copies will be available at upcoming concerts and from this website, with ongoing availability via Emanem and affiliated distributors.

35 years on

The discography listing on the back of the LP AGAINST THE BETRAYERS, published in 1980, includes an LP scheduled for release on the Italian HORO label early the following year. I very seldom make definitive public pronouncements in advance of a publication, but, everything was in place; including the fact that Steve and I had … Read More

Recent Site Additions

After some thought, I have decided to publish my 2004 essay on Bill Dixon. (It’s website location is under “Aesthetics Addenda” on the right hand column of any page but “Home”.) Likewise, but under “Articles/Interviews”, there is an 8 part e-mail dialogue with valued friend and (long distance) colleague Stefan Kac.

Inaugural Events at Studio Toile d’Angles

As previously announced, an irregular series of concerts will commence at Studio Toile d’Angles on August 31 and September 7. The former, a spoken word evening featuring Michael Mann and George Roberts, came to be as the result of a conversation with Michael while the studio was under construction. As he is an unassuming, quiet man … Read More

A bona fide member

In recent communications with the Reform Art Unit’s spiritus rector Fritz Novotny, he alerted me to his updated Wikipedia page. Accessing it (and, unfortunately, being a typical uni-lingual american, having to have it translated), I noticed that, in spite of my few collaborations with the RAU, I wasn’t included in the list of “Significant Guest … Read More

The Man Who Was Kicked Off The Earth

was the title of a screenplay Twin Cities’ thespian Fred Gartner said he was going to write once he moved to Hollywood in the mid-eighties; the “man” in question being me. I met Fred in 1981 when he appeared in, and Steve Gnitka and I provided the music for IN THE LONG NIGHT, a play … Read More

YouTube presence

There are many reasons why I have avoided so-called “social media” (My Space, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.). Central to this decision is my lack of an appetite to compete for attention in a consumer-based marketplace, to say nothing of my distaste for image mongering and the career hustle. (Yes, yes, I know: the very fact … Read More