
“Her Grace”; new LP by/final voyage with (of?) Teenage Boatpeople

[Teenage Boatpeople backstory.] Due to the pandemic, but in keeping with the process utilized in post ’09 TBP documents, I recorded my parts for Her Grace listening to the songs on headphones for the first time; in other words, treating them as in-the-moment material for improvisation. (Naturally, adding instruments meant that I was getting somewhat [but … Read More

Gutter Cleaners; a video portrait

In the mid 90s, guitarist Derek Bailey (1930-2005) forwarded me a copy of the VHS video “Mountain Stage”, a performance from 1993 featuring himself and dancer Min Tanaka. Upon viewing, I was immediately struck by how their aesthetic paralleled that of Gutter Cleaners, a dance music duo founded by myself and dancer Susan Sperl which … Read More

Newly released (March 2020) CD: “acceptance of sorrow”

Thanks to the initiative and diligence of Joseph Damman (with behind-the-scenes guidance and advice from yours truly [smile]), a CD of material culled from our September 9, 2018 duo concert at Studio Toile d’Angles has been published by Aural Terrains. While I chose the first track, Joseph, at my suggestion (and pending/with my approval) programmed the … Read More

Return to Homewood Studios

Thanks to the gracious generosity of George Roberts, I was able to mount 70 or so concerts at Homewood Studios over a period of 10 years (2003-2013). Had Studio Toile d’Angles not been established, the series at Homewood would almost assuredly have continued. Now in its 20th year, George invited me to return to Homewood … Read More

Stop-gap; a moment for acknowledging

Just a bit weary of the previous primary post. I generally do one when there’s an out-of-the-ordinary occurrence, i.e.; travel, a forthcoming document that’s close to publication, a new video, etc. But that’s actually antithetical to how I regard the work, because anyone who knows me knows the foremost significance/emphasis I place on the ongoing … Read More

Solo concert at the University of Alabama (video)

  At this late stage, it’s particularly gratifying to have a professionally-rendered full-length concert video. My appreciation to Michael Wilk, whose pans, screen-within-screen insertions, etc. underscore the process involved in creating the music. Thanks as well to Holland Hopson for his audio which provided more detail than the room microphones (and more presence/ambiance than my … Read More