Just a bit weary of the previous primary post. I generally do one when there’s an out-of-the-ordinary occurrence, i.e.; travel, a forthcoming document that’s close to publication, a new video, etc. But that’s actually antithetical to how I regard the work, because anyone who knows me knows the foremost significance/emphasis I place on the ongoing process(es). In essence, that is the point of it all. So, as the 2019 Studio Toile d’Angles “season” is winding down, I’ll just make/take this opportunity to express continuing heartfelt gratitude to my esteemed collaborators for their creativity, focus, dedication, and, perhaps most of all (and almost to a person [smile]), a willingness to question/challenge themselves and one another (including, of course, me). Without that there is no resonant process in free improvisation; or life for that matter.