Most recent document (with Davu Seru, Paul Metzger and Didier Petit)

“The Light Keeps The Dark Company” was not an easy birth. Bookended by a concert recording riddled with tiny unwanted artifacts (brilliantly eradicated through the painstaking efforts of Dr. Metzger)  and a warped initial pressing (acknowledged and corrected by the manufacturer),  the umbilical cord of this limited edition (100 copies) Nero’s Neptune  LP has now … Read More

With the RAO as part of a multi-media package

“Wiener-U-Bahn-Kunst” is a lavish, glossy, 294 page, 9″ X 12″ German language hardcover book (with an accompanying DVD) chronicling the history of Vienna’s subway system, and its interface with commissioned visual arts projects over the last two decades. As the Reform Art Unit (founded in 1965), and its offshoot Reform Art Orchestra have periodically presented … Read More

Teenage Boatpeople: First public appearance in 30 years

In a lifework marked by and continuing to vacillate among a certain respect, vilification, and essentially being ignored, the story of the Teenage Boatpeople is a curious chapter indeed. Founded by Jeff Johnson in 1979, the group recorded an EP and gigged periodically, primarily at the 7th Street Entry, for a couple years. (Our sole … Read More

Aftermath: Interfacing With Formal Composition

The background (original post) follows. But at this point, the day after the 2nd concert, I want to publicly state my gratitude to each and every musician in the group. While I obviously don’t really know how each person really felt about the interface, it was obvious they were making a genuinely concerted effort. The … Read More