Resumption (or, “Now where were we…?”)

As a habitual qualifier, I often preclude any statement of planning with “barring life’s vagaries”. Put another way, “Man makes plans? Nothing makes the gods laugh harder”, from the Yiddish adage “Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht” [“man plans, god laughs”].) (Of course that’s a given, but it seems to me that its omission in general discourse is a sort of passive denial as to the, well, vagaries of existence.) So, with that in mind, concerts at Studio Toile D’Angles (910 Morgan Ave. N. Mpls.) will resume at the end of April, likely starting with a solo concert. (When the Studio first opened in 2014, this would have been the predictable opening gambit. But, perhaps channeling a little Derek Bailey, I chose to eschew music altogether and instead opted for a poetry reading featuring Michael Mann and George Roberts, which over time, morphed into a “sounds/words” project with myself, Charles Gillett, the late Sam Wildenauer, et. al.) From there, and extending from some very productive private sessions over the last half year or so, most, if not all of my valued colleagues/friends, including a couple new voices, have expressed interest in furthering (or publicly initiating) our collaborative work. For the most part, the concerts will take place 3 Sunday evenings per month through October with a slightly later start time (7:30). To receive a monthly schedule via e-mail: [email protected].

Protocols, etc.:

– Entrance is street-side, via the wood gate just to the north of the house. (Push on left side.) Follow the short path to the studio door. (Please do *not* go to the house. The person inside will not appreciate the disruption, and won’t come to the door.)

– There is a bike rack just off the short path. It will hold 6 bikes. Do bring a lock.

– THE STUDIO IS A SMOKE FREE/STREET SHOE FREE ENVIRONMENT. Concerning the latter, a shoe rack is provided just inside the studio door.

– PLEASE, NO OUTSIDE FOOD/BEVERAGE. (Plenty of tap water available.)

– Out of respect for those who make the effort to arrive at the appointed time, concerts begin promptly (or thereabouts) at 7:30 pm. (Latecomers are welcome.)

– There is no interval/intermission. Audience members (and musicians) are welcome to take their own break(s).

– Besides chairs, there is a couch (which is sometimes reserved) and cushions which can be laid out on the floor for horizontal listening.

– Suggested donation is a minimum of $5. All proceeds go to the participants.

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