Gorge Trio w/Milo Fine
(out of print/available as download)
1) Both Hands or Both Feet or Sight of Both Eyes
2) One Hand and One Foot
3) One Foot and Sight of One Eye
4) One Hand and Sight of One Eye
5) Sight of One Eye
6) One Hand or One Foot
Ed Rodriguez: sawed-off and non-sawed-off electric guitar, kringleharp, keyboard, percussion, electronics
John Dieterich: organ, hard disk, 6-string, 12-string, pedal steel electric guitars, sampler, percussion, electronics
Chad Popple: drums, marimba, vibraphone, metals
Milo Fine: clarinet, celeste, violin, piano
Source material recorded in 1998, tape processing in 1999
Milo’s track was recorded indeterminately in real time at his home on June 20,1999
1999 – Free Land (Italy) Free 010 (CD)